Welcome to the NEW GOTV!

Sorry, we apologize if we made anyone cry.  Election Day is still 31 days away so there is a lot of time to get-out-the-vote.  But now that every registered voter in California will receive a vote-by-mail ballot next week, this is the new GOTV weekend.  

A reminder for all the campaigners reading this – breathe. And take another breath.  Feel the blood pressure go down.  You’ve done this before and you will do this again.  Campaigns are like sprinting through a marathon, but in a few months, you will forget all the pain.  And hopefully will have lost the 5 pounds of pizza and donuts you gained.

We also want to take a moment to remind you that you are not alone.  When the work existed in small, messy campaign headquarters, staff felt a sense of solidarity. Campaigns were fun.  Late nights weren’t so painful because you were surrounded by others working just as hard.  Now that many of us work from home and campaign HQs have limited staff and volunteers, it is harder to feel that sense of solidarity.  We used to get inspiration from enthusiastic candidates and supporters, but now we need to feel that energy via Zooms.  

Hang in there.  Your family and non-political friends may not think that 14 hour days are normal, but they are for campaigners.  You will get a break soon.  Then a really long break, aka unemployment, next year.  Good luck on the trail!  

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