
The Fletcher Story Keeps Getting Worse As Calpeek readers know, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher resigned to seek treatment for alcohol abuse and PTSD after allegations of sexual harassment, abuse, and…


San Diego Political Storm Rivals Bay Area Bomb Cyclone San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher will resign from the Board on May 15.  Until then he will be receiving treatment for alcohol…


Garcetti Lands Gig in India I imagine Eric Garcetti singing along to the words of John Denver’s “Leaving on a jet plane” or Demi Lovato’s“Sorry not sorry” (not to be confused with…


Let the 2026 Campaign Cycle Begin If you have yet to recover from the 2022 election cycle, you may be distressed to learn how much campaign activity is already underway for 2026. …


21 and Counting Including Obama By now, Calpeek readers know that Congresswoman Barbara Lee is the latest well-known elected official to announce her campaign to replace retiring U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein.  But,…


A Gold Star For Being Creative Even If The Idea Sounds Nutty The State of California requires local governments to build more housing in their jurisdictions with a statewide goal of 2.5…


Thank You, DiFi If you don’t already know that U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein has officially announced she will not seek re-election, it means that Calpeek is your main source for political and…


Progressive Tactics Must Work if Corporate America is Using Them The progressive era in California started well over 100 years ago.  In 1911,the initiative, referendum, and recall processes were added to the…

Calpeek 2/3/2023

Arambula Speaks Up for Speakership Just when we thought the Sacramento democrats reached an agreement on when Assemblyman Robert Rivas (D-Hollister) would take over the reins of Speaker from current Speaker Anthony…

Calpeek 1/27/2023

So, the Party’s Over? We understand what outgoing Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon means, but we are kind of surprised he didn’t say it more tactfully since he was speaking to reporters.  From…

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